Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Meeting Minutes 1/19/11: Study Abroad

The exec board talked about their study abroad experiences. Mallory and Julie studied in Paris, France and Merete studied in Granada, Spain. The list below provides links to study abroad websites with programs through Ohio University and programs outside of Ohio University.

Ohio University Study Abroad:

OU Affiliate Programs: Affiliates are trusted providers who offer additional study abroad options: 

American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS)

All financial aid and scholarships apply. You receive transfer credit and must complete a Foreign Study Checklist before you go. Program length will vary (short-term and long-term available).

Non-Ohio University Programs:
Research these programs online at or Federal financial aid only will apply. You receive transfer credit and must complete a Foreign Study Checklist before you go.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

1/12/11 Meeting Minutes: Women in Journalism

Amy Edmonson spoke to us about her experience working in a male-dominated workforce and provided tips on how to succeed. The wage gap is seen in almost every field and industry, even at Ohio University.

By negotiating a higher starting salary, women can help alleviate the wage gap and earn the salary they deserve. Edmonson said that we should never accept the first salary offer. Instead, say that you are delighted and honored, but you need to talk to your family before you accept the position. Hang up the phone and research the average salary for similar positions.  Call back the next day and request to negotiate the salary. Always start higher than lower because you will end up with a number in the middle.