Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Meeting Minutes 10/27/10: Resume Workshop

Zach Pavol from Career Services conducted a resume workshop with us at our last meeting. We learned more about objective statements. Although they are optional, objective statements can highlight qualifications at the top of a resume. Pavol advised us to customize our resumes for every position we apply for.
The cover letter is another important part of a job or internship application process. Pavol instructed us on how to write a concise and sincere cover letter that touches on our resumes.
For more resume and cover letter tips and suggestions, consult the Handout Library on the Career Services website. There you will find several resume and cover letter examples.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Meeting Minutes 10/6: Breast Cancer Awareness

In honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Char Kopchick, director of health promotion, spoke to us about breast cancer at our meeting. She wanted us to realize that breast cancer does not only develop in older women. Young women in their twenties can also develop breast cancer, and she has seen it happen.
The best way to protect against breast cancer is to catch the cancer early before it has the chance to grow and metastasize. Char said that an early diagnosis equals a positive prognosis. This is why it’s important for every woman to perform a monthly Breast Self-Exam (BSE).  Char taught us how to do a correct and thorough self-examination. Many people do not know how to do the BSE properly, which could cause them to miss detecting a lump. The two videos below show how to do a Breast Self-Exam correctly.

Show your loved ones you care about them by reminding them to do monthly Breast Self-Exams. Tell your mom, sister, grandmother, aunt, and girlfriends about the importance of detecting breast cancer early.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Meeting Minutes 9/29: Communication Organizations and Publications Panel

AWC hosted a panel of communication organizations and campus publications. Representatives from College Green Magazine, ImPRessions, WOUB, The Post, Thread Magazine, and The Awakening spoke to us about opportunities to become involved.
Editor-in-Chief Erich Hiner and Science Editor Audrey Rabalais from College Green Magazine said they were looking for a dedicated news editor. They also need writers and photographers.
Ashley Showen, vice president of operations for ImPRessions, told us about opportunities to be an account associate for one of the agency's clients this year. ImPRessions signed on with three new clients minutes before our meeting. AVW Productions, Friendly Paws, and College Green Magazine are now on the list of fifteen clients represented by ImPRessions.
AWC Public Relations Chair Melissa Ferguson provided us with details on the radio training program at WOUB.
Assistant Culture Editor Amanda Lucci said that The Post is looking for writers and photographers. There are also opportunities to be on the copy editing staff.
Jamie Ratermann, editor-in-chief of Thread, gave us the scoop on her fashion magazine and opportunities to work on the styling and public relations teams.
Last by not least, our President Mallory Long told us that researched articles, creative writing, poetry, and photography submissions for The Awakening are welcome. The Awakening is a student journal that focuses on women's and gender studies issues.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Meeting Minutes 9/22: How to Study Effectively

Amanda Remnant from the Academic Advancement Center gave us helpful tips about studying in college. She stressed the importance of time management for good studying. We identified some of the major time wasters in our lives that have kept us from studying. Among these time wasters were social distractions such as Facebook, Twitter and cell phones.  Another major time waster is taking a nap every day.  Remnant advised us to get adequate sleep at night so that we could stop napping during the day and use our time more effectively.

Remnant said to think of our academic lives as full-time jobs. We should spend at least 8 hours a day focusing on academics. Setting aside time on weekends to concentrate on school work is important so that we don't get bogged down on the weekdays. Remnant suggested using a reward system to treat ourselves when we accomplish an assignment or finish a study session.

Some other helpful tips for time management include:

  • Take complete notes in class
  • Review notes after class
  • Highlight while reading to stay active and awake
  • Find motivation in your academics
  • Change your major if you can't find motivation with your current major
  • Don't study in the dorms
  • Find your perfect study place (coffee shop, library, etc.)
  • Use ear plugs and eye mask to get a good sleep

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Relay for Life Instructions

Girls! You know you want to sign up for Relay for Life! Here's a reminder on how you can do it.

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Sign up Here"
  3. Then click "Join a Team"
  4. Type "Scripps Organizations" then click the link below
  5. Click "Sign up Now" and fill out your information
  6. You are NOT required to make a donation when you sign up
If you have any questions or fundraising ideas, please contact us at or comment below.

Thanks, girls!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Meeting Minutes - 4/7

Hey girls,

The meeting last night went really well. We hope you enjoyed the pizza and good company!

Yesterday we talked about becoming an official AWC member. This is really important for networking and job opportunities, and it's also a great resume builder. Plus, we'll have a really touching initiation ceremony at the end of the year for all official, registered members. Make sure to get your dues to Lindsay if you haven't yet done so.

We also talked about elections, which will be held on April 20. ANYONE can run for any position, even if yesterday was your first meeting! You can run for the following positions:
  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Membership
  • Treasurer
  • Public Relations
Just prepare a 2-3 minute speech to give on the 20th.

We also talked about our Relay for Life team. Look for an update on how to join that and help the Scripps Organizations in defeating cancer!

-AWC exec.

Meeting TONIGHT - Room Change

All of our meetings this quarter will be held in Scripps 114, so make sure you look for us there TONIGHT at 7 p.m. for the first meeting of Spring Quarter!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

No Meeting Tonight

Hey girls,

No meeting during this first week of classes. The execs are going to meet and create a tentative schedule for the quarter. If you have any suggestions for meeting ideas, feel free to e-mail us ( or comment below.

See you next week, girls!

-AWC exec

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Meeting Minutes 3/2

Hey Girls,

I hope you all enjoyed the meeting with Char last night. In honor of February's healthy relatinship month, we talked about the elements that go into a healthy relationship.

After compiling a list of the top 10 qualities we all look for in relationships, we talked about different kinds of trust, respect and intimacy. Some types of intimacy that Char discussed were:
  • Intellectual Intimacy: sharing ideas
  • Emotional Intimacy: sharing significant feelings/meanings
  • Aesthetic Intimacy: sharing experiences with another person
  • Recreational Intimacy: freedom to let the child within us come out when we are with others
  • Work Intimacy: sharing common tasks
  • Sexual Intimacy: expression of closeness
  • Crisis Intimacy: successful coping with internal or external threats
  • Commitment Intimacy: mutual concerns for issues and philosophies
  • Spiritual Intimacy: sharing of ultimate concerns regarding meaning of life
  • Creative Intimacy: sharing emotional and social factors that help each other grow and learn
I think it was a really therapeutic and thought-provoking meeting for all of us.

Some other things that were taken care of:
  • We passed out new membership forms and membership renewal forms. Make sure you're at next week's meeting if you haven't filled one of those out yet. Also make sure you get us your membership fees by next week
Look out for e-mails from us about next week's meeting!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Meeting Plans: 3/2

Hey girls!

Tomorrow Char Kopchick from the Women's Center will be the guest speak at our meeting, talking to us about women's health. I know it's a broad topic, which is why we need YOUR suggestions!

E-mail the AWC gmail account at and let us know what YOU'D like to hear Char talk to the group about.

She is such an energetic person, and she's been a favorite in the past at AWC meetings. Also -- don't be afraid to "go there." That's the point of these meetings: to talk about things that other circumstances don't allow you to discuss. Ask the questions you've always want to ask!

So go! E-mail away, let us know what YOU want to hear about.

See you all tomorrow at 7 p.m. in Scripps 111.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Self Defense Part 2

Hey girls,

As we mentioned last week, we didn't feel like we really had ample time to cover all of the techniques of self defense at last week's gathering. So... we're doing it again!

Some things we'll be working on this week:
  • Groundwork
  • Hitting the pads
  • Pressure points
Wear casual clothes like last time (clothes you're comfortable "working out" while wearing).

We won't actually be meeting in Scripps this week... meet in Grover 113 at 7 p.m. Sorry for the last minute room change!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

AWC Meeting Minutes February 16

Hey girls,

Self Defense tonight was hardcore! We hope that you learned some vitals tips about how to protect yourselves in care you're ever in a sketchy situation.

Unfortunately we didn't have time to cover all of the different skills that we wanted to cover, so we execs are thinking of having another Self Defense meeting next week (since we all seemed to enjoy it so much!). Thoughts? Opinions?

Either way, we'll see you all next week!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Self Defense Class

Hey girls,

Get pumped up, because tomorrow we'll all be learning about self defense, with a professionally-led self defense course. We feel skills like this are really useful and necessary for girls of all ages and in all environments, so make sure to come out.

And don't worry -- we realize this is a serious matter, but it's sure to be a fun time with lots of laughs.

We won't be in our usual meeting spot of Scripps 111 tomorrow. Meet instead in Scripps 108 at 7 p.m.

See ya there tomorrow, ready to kick butt!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

AWC Meeting Minutes February 2

Thanks so much to all who came out to the Valentine's Day Social! We hope you all had as lovely of a time as we did.

We love getting to know all of you even better. Make sure you tell your friends about the great comrarderie in AWC, and feel free to bring any and all friends (regardless of their major!) to our AWC meeting next week.

More details about that in a few days (but we promise it's going to be a good one..).

Monday, February 1, 2010

Valentine's Social

Hey girls,

Tomorrow will be the AWC Valentine's Day Social. Yes, it's quite awhile before Valentine's Day, but we figure why not?!

All of the execs will be bringing some snacks, but feel free to bring some food or drinks to share.

Besides munching, we'll be playing some games and having an allover good time getting to know each other even better. Don't feel like you need to dress up or anything, we're just here to have a good time!

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Meeting Minutes 1/19

In case you missed last night's meeting, we went over some advice on how to get an internship, and then how to behave once placed in said internship. Some advice that AWC members shared included:
  • Try hard and look everywhere: actually RECEIVING an internship is the most difficult part, so make sure you take advantage of every Web site and OU outlet to get an internship
  • Show enthusiasm: never be the last to arrive or the first to leave
  • Be professional: no texting, facebooking or inappropriate language while on the job
  • Big companies aren't everything: sometimes the most interesting internships don't have the most impressive names attached, but those are often the ones where you'll get a more hands-on experience
  • Be weary of scams: typically paying for an internship isn't always necessary, and make sure you don't get stuck with some gig where you're selling knives door-to-door
  • Keep in touch!: Bosses will most likely hire you in the future if they remember you, so make sure you maintain contact, whether it's through e-mail updates or phone calls
Take advantage of Bobcat CareerLink and the Scripps College of Communication Internship Database for job and internship postings.

We also talked about the Haiti fundraiser that we are participating in both tomorrow (Wednesday) and Thursday. Check out the schedule below, and feel free to show up at any time slot if you're interested!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Haiti Fundraising Schedule

In case you haven't heard, AWC is conducting philanthropic fund-raising event this week to help raise money for the victim of the earthquake in Haiti.

We'll be selling hot cocoa at College Gate Wednesday and Thursday this week from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. If you haven't signed up to help, be sure to stop by and show your support by donating some money for a cup of hot chocolate!

Here are the shifts for the fund-raising event.:

11-12: Lindsay Feran, Andra Rulz, Karissa Millick
12-1: Julianne, Meghan
1-2: Julianne, Ashley W
2-3: Emily Stowe, Mallory Long, Carly W.
3-4: Krisi Nehls, Mallory Long, Olivia O.

11-12: Karissa Millick
12-1: Emily Stowe, Meghan Kilbane, Karissa Millick
1-2: Alisa, Kelly
2-3: Julianne, Sarah Casey, Mallory Long
3-4: Julianne, Mallory Long, Sarah Casey

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Meeting Minutes 1/12

Hey ladies, both new & old!

It was great to see so many new faces at our first meeting of the quarter tonight. We hope you all are as excited as we are!

Tonight we gathered and shared some of AWC's intentions with new members, which include:
  • Creating a group that fosters professionalism among young women
  • Spreading philanthropic ideals throughout the Athens community
  • Forming close relationships with other established young women on campus
  • Giving young women a social and professional outlet through which they can grow as an individual and as a professional.
After munching on some pizza, we all headed over to Baker to hear OU alum and professional actor Piper Perabo speak.

Piper spoke fondly of her memories at OU, and gave some motivational advice about finding your dream and sticking to it. She gave the audience a really interesting perspective on the world of show biz, all while adding a little spice and flavor to her speaking style.

Dream big, ladies.