Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Good luck & Happy Holidays!

No meeting this week, girls!

Good luck on your finals. Remember to breathe, relax, sleep and eat breakfast each morning.

See you all next quarter; have safe & happy holidays while you're gone, and make sure to come back for our first meeting of winter quarter on Tuesday, January 13!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Meeting Minutes 11/10

In case you missed tonight's meeting, Julianne conducted a resume workshop, giving everyone tips and advice on how to spruce up their resume.

When creating a resume, keep the following in mind:
  • EDIT, EDIT, EDIT! One spelling error can detract an employee from hiring you
  • Include all "impressive" experiences throughout your college career, with the most relevant experiences to the job listed on top
  • Try to add an element of creativity without being obnoxious, so that your resume stands out but is not over-crowded
  • Don't let your resume exceed one, single-spaced page
  • Include details that expand on each experience you had
  • Create a personal brand for yourself, and allow this brand to expand onto your other professional items, such as business cards/Web sites, etc.
Hope tonight was helpful, ladies! See you all next week.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Meeting Minutes 11/3

Hey girls,

Sorry we had to cancel the meeting tonight; we're really glad that everyone was enthusiastic to do a trash collecting fundraiser in Boyd Hall, but Res Life decided to rain on our parade at the last minute and nixed the idea (boo!).

If anyone has any fund-raising ideas, be sure to shoot your ideas over to exec!

Hope to see you all next week.